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Magny-le-Freule photos

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Magny-le-Freule pictures

Here are the photos of the town of Magny-le-Freule and nearby towns. Magny-le-Freule is located in the department of Calvados in the region of Basse-Normandie. You will find the satellite map of Magny-le-Freule under these photos.

To see photos of nearby towns of Magny-le-Freule, you can try the following links :
   - Mézidon-Canon pictures : town located at 2.18 km
   - Biéville-Quétiéville pictures : town located at 2.22 km
   - Bissières pictures : town located at 2.44 km
   - Ouézy pictures : town located at 3.06 km
   - Croissanville pictures : town located at 3.42 km
   - Cesny-aux-Vignes pictures : town located at 3.74 km
   - Méry-Corbon pictures : town located at 4.29 km
   - Percy-en-Auge pictures : town located at 4.64 km
   - Corbon pictures : town located at 5.44 km
   - Vieux-Fumé pictures : town located at 5.77 km
   - Canteloup pictures : town located at 5.91 km
   - Airan pictures : town located at 5.92 km

 - photos of the department prefecture of Calvados : photos of Caen
 - pictures of others cities of Calvados : Calvados

To see Magny-le-Freule from the sky, here is the satellite map of the town of Magny-le-Freule : Magny-le-Freule map.

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Photos of the town of Magny-le-Freule

These photos taken near the town of Magny-le-Freule can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

Château de Canon - Photo of Magny-le-Freule
Château de Canon

Château de Canon - Photo of Magny-le-Freule
Château de Canon

Château de Canon - Photo of Magny-le-Freule
Château de Canon

Orangeraie du château - Photo of Magny-le-Freule
Orangeraie du château

Four à pain du château - Photo of Magny-le-Freule
Four à pain du château

Sculpture murale - Photo of Magny-le-Freule
Sculpture murale

« Le soleil en naissant la regarde d’abord et le mont la défend des outrages du Nord » - Photo of Magny-le-Freule
« Le soleil en naissant la regarde d’abord et le mont la défend des outrages du Nord »

« Qui ne sçut se borner, ne sçut jamais jouir » - Photo of Magny-le-Freule
« Qui ne sçut se borner, ne sçut jamais jouir »

Portrait de l’ancien propriétaire et de son fils - Photo of Magny-le-Freule
Portrait de l’ancien propriétaire et de son fils

Château de Canon - Photo of Magny-le-Freule
Château de Canon

Visite guidée, la salle à manger - Photo of Magny-le-Freule
Visite guidée, la salle à manger

Château de Canon - Photo of Magny-le-Freule
Château de Canon

Bureau - Photo of Magny-le-Freule

Œuvres des anciens propriétaires - Photo of Magny-le-Freule
Œuvres des anciens propriétaires

Magny-le-Freule from the sky

Old photos of the town of Magny-le-Freule

These photos taken near the town of Magny-le-Freule can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

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