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Ajaccio photos

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Ajaccio pictures

Here are the photos of the city of Ajaccio and nearby towns. Ajaccio is located in the department of Corse-du-Sud in the region of Corse. You will find the satellite map of Ajaccio under these photos.

To see photos of nearby towns of Ajaccio, you can try the following links :
   - Pictures of Alata (20167) : town located at 6.35 km
   - Pictures of Villanova (20167) : town located at 6.96 km
   - Pictures of Bastelicaccia (20129) : town located at 7.78 km
   - Pictures of Afa (20167) : town located at 8.92 km
   - Pictures of Appietto (20167) : town located at 10.58 km
   - Pictures of Calcatoggio (20111) : town located at 12.13 km
   - Pictures of Pietrosella (20166) : town located at 12.97 km
   - Pictures of Valle-di-Mezzana (20167) : town located at 13.60 km
   - Pictures of Sarrola-Carcopino (20167) : town located at 14.44 km
   - Pictures of Cauro (20117) : town located at 14.86 km
   - Pictures of Eccica-Suarella (20117) : town located at 14.94 km
   - Pictures of Sant'Andréa-d'Orcino (20151) : town located at 15.13 km

 - pictures of others cities of Corse-du-Sud : Corse-du-Sud

To see Ajaccio from the sky, here is the satellite map of the city of Ajaccio : Ajaccio map.

I like Ajaccio !

Photos of the city of Ajaccio

These photos taken near the city of Ajaccio can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

Ajaccio_Corsica_France_Jun23 - Photo of Ajaccio

20100515_19h51Em95_Ajaccio Resto Le Golfe - Photo of Ajaccio
20100515_19h51Em95_Ajaccio Resto Le Golfe

20100517_07h55Li53_Poto-Ajaccio - Photo of Ajaccio

Beach_Ajaccio_Corsica_France_Jun23 - Photo of Ajaccio

Heuliez Bus GX 327 – SPL Mobilité Stationnement du Pays Ajaccien / Muvistrada n°14 - Photo of Ajaccio
Heuliez Bus GX 327 – SPL Mobilité Stationnement du Pays Ajaccien / Muvistrada n°14

Heuliez Bus GX 327 – SPL Mobilité Stationnement du Pays Ajaccien / Muvistrada n°14 - Photo of Ajaccio
Heuliez Bus GX 327 – SPL Mobilité Stationnement du Pays Ajaccien / Muvistrada n°14

Dietrich Véhicules City – SPL Mobilité Stationnement du Pays Ajaccien / Muvistrada n°37 - Photo of Ajaccio
Dietrich Véhicules City – SPL Mobilité Stationnement du Pays Ajaccien / Muvistrada n°37

Man Lion’s City Hybrid – SPL Mobilité Stationnement du Pays Ajaccien / Muvistrada n°43 - Photo of Ajaccio
Man Lion’s City Hybrid – SPL Mobilité Stationnement du Pays Ajaccien / Muvistrada n°43

Heuliez Bus GX 127 – SPL Mobilité Stationnement du Pays Ajaccien / Muvistrada - Photo of Ajaccio
Heuliez Bus GX 127 – SPL Mobilité Stationnement du Pays Ajaccien / Muvistrada

Heuliez Bus GX 327 – SPL Mobilité Stationnement du Pays Ajaccien / Muvistrada n°14 - Photo of Ajaccio
Heuliez Bus GX 327 – SPL Mobilité Stationnement du Pays Ajaccien / Muvistrada n°14

20100515_19h42Em91_Ajaccio  Le Port - Photo of Ajaccio
20100515_19h42Em91_Ajaccio Le Port

20100515_19h25Em75_Ajaccio Place Diamant - Photo of Ajaccio
20100515_19h25Em75_Ajaccio Place Diamant

20100515_16h17Em90_Ajaccio - Photo of Ajaccio

20100515_19h35Em87_Ajaccio Place du 1er consul - Photo of Ajaccio
20100515_19h35Em87_Ajaccio Place du 1er consul

Ajaccio from the sky

Old photos of the city of Ajaccio

These photos taken near the city of Ajaccio can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

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