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Pierre-Perthuis photos

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Pierre-Perthuis pictures

Here are the photos of the town of Pierre-Perthuis and nearby towns. Pierre-Perthuis is located in the department of Yonne in the region of Bourgogne. You will find the satellite map of Pierre-Perthuis under these photos.

To see photos of nearby towns of Pierre-Perthuis, you can try the following links :
   - Foissy-lès-Vézelay pictures : town located at 1.52 km
   - Domecy-sur-Cure pictures : town located at 3.17 km
   - Saint-Père pictures : town located at 3.23 km
   - Menades pictures : town located at 3.33 km
   - Tharoiseau pictures : town located at 3.73 km
   - Fontenay-près-Vézelay pictures : town located at 3.86 km
   - Vézelay pictures : town located at 4.63 km
   - Saint-Aubin-des-Chaumes pictures : town located at 5.01 km
   - Asquins pictures : town located at 6.10 km
   - Bazoches pictures : town located at 6.18 km
   - Island pictures : town located at 6.48 km
   - Domecy-sur-le-Vault pictures : town located at 6.80 km

 - photos of the department prefecture of Yonne : photos of Auxerre
 - pictures of others cities of Yonne : Yonne

To see Pierre-Perthuis from the sky, here is the satellite map of the town of Pierre-Perthuis : Pierre-Perthuis map.

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Photos of the town of Pierre-Perthuis

These photos taken near the town of Pierre-Perthuis can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

20150213_11h1215Em_Vézelay - Photo of Pierre-Perthuis

Birch - Photo of Pierre-Perthuis

Trees in the yard - Photo of Pierre-Perthuis
Trees in the yard

Access to the Cure trail - Photo of Pierre-Perthuis
Access to the Cure trail

View from the high bridge - Photo of Pierre-Perthuis
View from the high bridge

Bridge over the river Cure - Photo of Pierre-Perthuis
Bridge over the river Cure

Fields - Photo of Pierre-Perthuis

Fields near St-Andre-en-Avallon - Photo of Pierre-Perthuis
Fields near St-Andre-en-Avallon

A LEGO project - Photo of Pierre-Perthuis
A LEGO project

LEGO room - Photo of Pierre-Perthuis
LEGO room

Morvan - Photo of Pierre-Perthuis

Moulin de Templiers - Photo of Pierre-Perthuis
Moulin de Templiers

20220421-110225 - Photo of Pierre-Perthuis

Exterior of église de Saint-Père-sous-Vézelay - Photo of Pierre-Perthuis
Exterior of église de Saint-Père-sous-Vézelay

Pierre-Perthuis from the sky

Old photos of the town of Pierre-Perthuis

These photos taken near the town of Pierre-Perthuis can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

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