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Vaux-sur-Seulles photos

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Vaux-sur-Seulles pictures

Here are the photos of the town of Vaux-sur-Seulles and nearby towns. Vaux-sur-Seulles is located in the department of Calvados in the region of Basse-Normandie. You will find the satellite map of Vaux-sur-Seulles under these photos.

To see photos of nearby towns of Vaux-sur-Seulles, you can try the following links :
   - Esquay-sur-Seulles photos : town located at 1.33 km
   - Nonant photos : town located at 2.20 km
   - Vienne-en-Bessin photos : town located at 2.55 km
   - Martragny photos : town located at 2.61 km
   - Carcagny photos : town located at 2.84 km
   - Saint-Martin-des-Entrées photos : town located at 3.24 km
   - Rucqueville photos : town located at 3.39 km
   - Le Manoir photos : town located at 3.51 km
   - Sommervieu photos : town located at 3.72 km
   - Ducy-Sainte-Marguerite photos : town located at 4.16 km
   - Condé-sur-Seulles photos : town located at 4.20 km
   - Saint-Vigor-le-Grand photos : town located at 4.84 km

 - photos of the department prefecture of Calvados : photos of Caen
 - pictures of others cities of Calvados : Calvados

To see Vaux-sur-Seulles from the sky, here is the satellite map of the town of Vaux-sur-Seulles : Vaux-sur-Seulles map.

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Photos of the town of Vaux-sur-Seulles

These photos taken near the town of Vaux-sur-Seulles can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

Ste Catherine of Augustine - Photo of Vaux-sur-Seulles
Ste Catherine of Augustine

Prairie normande - Norman meadow - Photo of Vaux-sur-Seulles
Prairie normande - Norman meadow

Modern stained glass - Photo of Vaux-sur-Seulles
Modern stained glass

Details on the south facade - Photo of Vaux-sur-Seulles
Details on the south facade

Details above a door on the main facade - Photo of Vaux-sur-Seulles
Details above a door on the main facade

Stone detailing in the nave: nose picker with monkey - Photo of Vaux-sur-Seulles
Stone detailing in the nave: nose picker with monkey

Stone work with a crack in the nave - Photo of Vaux-sur-Seulles
Stone work with a crack in the nave

Stone detailing in the nave - Photo of Vaux-sur-Seulles
Stone detailing in the nave

Stained glass - Photo of Vaux-sur-Seulles
Stained glass

Stonework details in the nave: virgin and child, and an Asian wizad - Photo of Vaux-sur-Seulles
Stonework details in the nave: virgin and child, and an Asian wizad

North side of the nave, including the pulpit - Photo of Vaux-sur-Seulles
North side of the nave, including the pulpit

Roman arch and stained glass - Photo of Vaux-sur-Seulles
Roman arch and stained glass

Stonework detailing in the nave - Photo of Vaux-sur-Seulles
Stonework detailing in the nave

Stonework details in the nave: that-s one heck of a toothy mustache - Photo of Vaux-sur-Seulles
Stonework details in the nave: that-s one heck of a toothy mustache

Vaux-sur-Seulles from the sky

Old photos of the town of Vaux-sur-Seulles

These photos taken near the town of Vaux-sur-Seulles can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

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