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Xaffévillers photos

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Xaffévillers pictures

Here are the photos of the town of Xaffévillers and nearby towns. Xaffévillers is located in the department of Vosges in the region of Lorraine. You will find the satellite map of Xaffévillers under these photos.

To see photos of nearby towns of Xaffévillers, you can try the following links :
   - Ménarmont photos : town located at 2.58 km
   - Doncières photos : town located at 2.59 km
   - Roville-aux-Chênes photos : town located at 2.83 km
   - Saint-Maurice-sur-Mortagne photos : town located at 3.25 km
   - Deinvillers photos : town located at 3.92 km
   - Saint-Pierremont photos : town located at 4.01 km
   - Domptail photos : town located at 4.05 km
   - Nossoncourt photos : town located at 4.68 km
   - Hardancourt photos : town located at 4.69 km
   - Bazien photos : town located at 4.88 km
   - Magnières photos : town located at 5.16 km
   - Clézentaine photos : town located at 5.24 km

 - photos of the department prefecture of Vosges : photos of Épinal
 - pictures of others cities of Vosges : Vosges

To see Xaffévillers from the sky, here is the satellite map of the town of Xaffévillers : Xaffévillers map.

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Photos of the town of Xaffévillers

These photos taken near the town of Xaffévillers can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

Sur la route - Photo of Xaffévillers
Sur la route

Nancy Bacarat - Photo of Xaffévillers
Nancy Bacarat

Clouds [fxb2g] - Photo of Xaffévillers
Clouds [fxb2g]

Château de Qui Qu-en Grogne - ADT 54 (2) - Photo of Xaffévillers
Château de Qui Qu-en Grogne - ADT 54 (2)

un chemin, un pont en béton, des vaches… - Photo of Xaffévillers
un chemin, un pont en béton, des vaches…

panoramic fail - Photo of Xaffévillers
panoramic fail

cathédrâle saint rémy baccarat - Photo of Xaffévillers
cathédrâle saint rémy baccarat

France Baccarat _DSC13083 - Photo of Xaffévillers
France Baccarat _DSC13083

France Baccarat _DSC13095 - Photo of Xaffévillers
France Baccarat _DSC13095

France Baccarat _DSC13089 - Photo of Xaffévillers
France Baccarat _DSC13089

France Baccarat _DSC13096 - Photo of Xaffévillers
France Baccarat _DSC13096

France Baccarat _DSC13110 - Photo of Xaffévillers
France Baccarat _DSC13110

France Baccarat _DSC13112 - Photo of Xaffévillers
France Baccarat _DSC13112

France Baccarat _DSC13162 - Photo of Xaffévillers
France Baccarat _DSC13162

Xaffévillers from the sky

Old photos of the town of Xaffévillers

These photos taken near the town of Xaffévillers can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

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